Friday, January 2, 2009

laugter: the best medicine

With all the problems we come to face every single minute of our existence, we should forget about self deprivation. hello people! we all need a break, for pete's sake! yourself a chance to enjoy sometime is not punishable by law(hahahaha..silly statement)..anyway,
"laughing is the easiest and most convenient way to enjoy" does not only relieve stress but is also very good to your health..
yes! read it right..It's so so good for and your figure! Do you know that laughing causes you to burn alot of calories?!
(i don't know how much in exact) should include it in your "slimming" routine(is there such term?!)..
It prevents aging also(your natural anti-aging regiment)..haha..just a tip folks!..
Well, anyway so much for my longest introduction...
What i'd like to share to you is about my best laughing moments for the day..haha..such a long intro huh?!..To tell you guys and gals, I just had a movie date with my friends today.. And damn!..I'd enjoyed the movie alot.Although I also enjoyed that movie date with my mom, beforehand.But what we've watch is a love story..not comedic..ahahah..So going back, I'd like to give extra credits to starcinema for that(applause!applause!)..the movie "Tanging Ina 2" really got me off my seat due to excessive laughter(almost!literally!)..I can still remember the funniest scene(the lobo stunt scene), and can't help myself from laughing until now..if you'll consider the calories I'd burn for that?!..Huh!can't imagine..Alot I'm sure!..Spoofs from different movies and commercials; and the "sayings",hahaha it's funny really.. oh well I know some would say it's not, shallow i would be, but i did had a great fun..haha it seems that this post should be a movie review perhaps..I could also give into account that my friends were also a great part of that enjoyable moments..not just the movie know,it's easier to laugh your heart out if your with those
persons who can laugh with you
..huh!senti...i missed them so pays much more spending time with them than spending time alone..quality time it is!..sulit every second..
I can say, I'm very well right at this moment..I forgot all my worries just now..and it feels good and so gaan the feeling(like the shampoo commercial before?!)..Laughter really is the best medicine..and guys!..take note,it's free. no need to spend a single amount of centavo. So HAVE A BREAK!..LAUGH ALOT..starts when?..Could be NOW!!..^_^

Thursday, January 1, 2009

my christmas break^_^

How's your Christmas everyone???

Are your hands still complete??

How's your regalo?happy??

How's the party??! Fun??

mine were:

fine..pretty much the same(hmmm)...NOpe I guess it's better this time
well i don't know..I missed my kuya! this is my first christmas spent without him..

my regalo received??hmmmm...nothing has change..hahahaha
i'm thankfull anyway!..Tnx to them!(O_~)

the party???...whooah..amazing!!
sooooooooo much fun!!!
puked alot...hhahhah
just joking folks(am i?)hahaha..just read between the lines...
it doesn't take a genius to understand what i mean, right??
oh well..
damn! i missed my cousins sooooo much!!

there were alot of changes I guess...
specially their HEIGHT!!(taking into account that I'm the tallest now!) ~i mean it sarcastically~
duh!..there's nothing i could do about it right??

not unless i'll have a leg EXTENDER(expensive!!!and the risk??! )
NO THANKS!..I'm happy^_^

REASONS WHY my xmas break's so full of FUN:
  • the FOOD - whooah! I wish it's christmas everyday...hehehe..yum-MY!..good thing my family's sperb in cooking!(naks naman!)
  • my cousins and pamangkins - wow! they're adorable!! I missed them soooo much..It's been a while since we saw each other and talk for pete's sake!
  • my friends - wonder why??oh well we did have some pre&post-christmas get together..gosh!...there's never been enough time for all the talking...I missed them so sooooooooooo much!!^_^
  • family - my parents, aunts and uncles and!..simply the best!
at home with my cousins^_^

with cousins sa farm(xmas party)..

at durian garden atbp. after the party^_^

(L-R)mommy(tita q xa actually), mama, me, rea, and kuya rk^_^

with classmates from elementary..whooah!..LoOk us at nOw!^_^

highschool klasmeyts..I missed them soooobra!!^_^

A Fresh New Beginning

just a thought:

2008 is over!..would that be a surpise?(of course not..silly!)..365 days of bliss, pain, regret, joy, laughter, loneliness and stress has finally ended. Another chapter has started, a fresh new beginning.
Another chance to live, and to be better. Another 365 days of unending human strife. Hoping for a gainful ending...

i'm really hoping...

hoping for the best, aren't we??

fingers are still crossed(mine?yep!)...


let's build our dreams, believe, pursue, and surely we'll survive!!!

JUsT the way we did it before!!

just the way it is^_^

Monday, November 17, 2008

Web 2.0: Something to Ponder

“The content of your blogs will be about WEB 2.0.”… Web 2.0…? What’s up with Web 2.0? An inquisition instilled in my mind as I heard the “alien” word from our teacher. Browsing the net was such a splendid idea to satisfy my craving brain, which was like almost cracking at that time (an exaggeration of course), due to too much thinking of what that “word” was all about!!(huh! Felt the rush of my emotion??)… So, as I browsed down the net, what happened was… I, well honestly, the texts didn’t give me some idea as I first skimmed it (laughs). I was a bit puzzled (frowns). I can’t somehow digest it (uh!)… Finally, what I did was, get some of “what I think” was interesting, but complex articles about it; brought it at home and started reading it through my not-so-techie type pc. And this is what I’ve learned…
It was popularized by Mr. Tim O’ Riley and defined it as (according to

“the business revolution in the computer industry caused by the move to the
Internet as a platform, and an attempt to understand the rules for success on that new platform”
Huh! Nose bleeding!! (some ice pls!)...Hmmm… Or in rather simpler explanation, it is the totality of the idea of web-delivered contents and how its interaction and interconnection grows. And as what “the man” Tim O’ Riley regards it, as the way that business embraces the strengths of the web and uses it as a platform. Web 2.0 technologies also tend to promote innovation in the assemblage of systems and sites composed by pulling together features from dispersed, independent developers; users of web 2.0 sites are also allowed to do more than just acquire information. That’s why its characteristics regarded were: rich user experience, user participation, dynamic content, metadata, web standards and scalability. Supplementary characteristics like freedom, openness and collective intelligence by way of user participation, can also be seen as important attributes of Web 2.0… Sites like youtube, facebook, myspace, Flickr and many more were so popular now, that these were also used by universities to reach out to the students and to somehow relate to them (whoa! They’re being a psycho now, huh! ). These sites? Well they were an example of social networking websites, part of web 2.0 technologies.
Web 2.0 is so popular now that you can’t imagine that you’re like surrounded by it. We’re already using it but not realizing what it was… (hmmm.. I can relate to that)… That’s why some regarded it as the modern World Wide Web… But of course you can’t get away with criticisms, right? Same as Web 2.0 it has a lot of critics also.. Many argue that nothing beats the “original”!(Iba na true, men!) that web 2.0 can’t replace World Wide Web and that it is not the replacement of it rather (tsk tsk tsk). Same goes with Ajax, that it also cannot beat and replace the “original” HTTP; it was also noted that even before the term web 2.0 arose many of its ideas were featured in implementations in network systems (now! that’s too many huh??)…
I think my articles going too long (you might not read ‘til the end)..So, as a conclusion…For me, as complex as its definition, web 2.0 just proves how complex our analog world has become as it made a leap beyond what we could imagine. How it now revolves along with technology and information, vastly. A proof of the marvellous wonders humans could do and would somehow do more… And the credits??! It should all be given back to him, our Almighty Creator…

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